Your Complete Guide to protect your eyes from the rays of the Computer

Simply put, the available terms of comfort during your business performance, increased productivity and cost-effectiveness, so in today's blog post we will talk on the subject of neglect most people but unfortunately the consequences may be severe with the passage of time.
At a time overshadowed the virtual world for the real world of concrete, we became spend many hours in front of the gates of this world, the latter of which multiplied their standards and sizes, and there are some screens of various kinds, unfortunately the prolonged exposure to radiation resulting from it hurts our eyes, but in the long term, it may Aatr clearly on your health ..
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And since you are reading this article now must you and one of the pioneers of this virtual world and inevitably has once suffered from one of the following symptoms :

Burning eyes
Drought and strained eyes
Blurred vision
And this is what makes up the symptoms in English b Eye Strain or strain the eyes in Arabic.
Bastalah medical called Computer Vision Syndrome or see Alkambotr syndrome , which result from the backlight to the computer screen and glow when you stare at a computer screen for an extended time .
Studies have shown that 50 to 90 percent of computer users suffer from eye strain in addition to other visual symptoms , and is the ratio of large and scary .
 The most important thing in today 's blog post is the answer to the following question:

How can for 12 minutes a day that Thafed on the health of your eyes and help you to avoid the risks of prolonged use of a computer ?

Before that if you think dear reader, that the subject is simple and does not deserve this attention , here are some of the symptoms caused by eye strain or simply you can do simple research in Google for "Eye Strain" so you know how much has this topic of interest to foreign sites .. :

An increase in physical fatigue , which in turn leads to:
   Doubling the pressure at work , which in turn may lead to:
      Doubling the number errors committed Otnaa of the work.
 Decrease in visual acuity over time.
In addition to other annoyances such as tingling in eyes and إحمرارها .

The truth is that we can not change the reasons that lead to strain the eyes but on the other hand , there are steps you can take to avoid and minimize the risk of prolonged sitting in front of the computer .
Our focus will be on the steps do not require any physical resources so that they are accessible to everyone.

Adjust the screen settings well.

 In fact, the settings screen is linked to the quality of your use of the computer you are , for example , designers will not want to use software or any may Tatr the settings on the clarity of the colors , for example ..
But I suggest you use a program previously identified him one of the themes brother willing Secretary . It F.Lux program is free and simple , but very effective . The program simply adjusts the glow of the screen , brightness and colors based on the timing of the day , it was the change the color temperature becomes so easy on the eye and reduce harm . In fact, show the effectiveness of the program more when you use night and you will notice the difference yourself.
All you have to do is to provide the program with the geographical site and the quality of your room and lighting is will take care of the rest of the tasks .
Adjusting the size of writing
You should also be concerned with the size of writing on the screen is something very important as the writings small may cause in fact on the rise in blood pressure and stress levels , the to Ahoudt you will go much of the screen so you can قراءت what it, then you should use large volumes ..

Devoted 12 minutes on the whole day to get rid almost total strain the eyes .

Start the first 8 minutes per 8 hours in front of the computer .
 When you spend a long time in front of the computer , we often forget closing our eyes gradually , which may lead to dry eyes and muscle stiffness , here comes the role effective 20-20-20 seriously basis and recommended by specialists , which had already published in the newspaper The New York Times. Rule says :
 Each time , when the passage of 20 minutes of continuous consideration to the computer screen is the direction of sight to body away from you by at least 20 feet and focused on it for 20 Also , the important thing is that your eyes away from the computer screen. Very useful as an addition you can also play your place and consistent also in order to avoid the risks of prolonged sitting in front of the computer and not just seen .
Simple arithmetic you'll find that it You will not Aokhadd to only 8 minutes per 8 hours in front of the computer
20 seconds * 3 * 8 = 8 minutes
The truth is that it is difficult for us all to remember the application of this rule every 20 minutes so I suggest these two addenda to Google Chrome browser , which Sttkflan remind you and two 20 Cubed or EyeCare.
You can also use this program Free WorkRave and which is also available on the instructions concerning a group of athletic movements that you can do . In addition to other very important things you discovered yourself .
Four additional minutes for the convenience of more ..
So you get the best results , you can use an additional 10 seconds or more when your application with the 20-20-20 rule and this by :
Relax the eye muscles by closing the eyes and relax for some time.
Rotate the eye and move in all directions and tightly closed for some time.
To extend the range of your vision to the far right and the far north , up and down , too.

Making a total of 12 minutes to 8 hours of continuous use of the computer and it is a good thing because it is capable of maintaining the health of your eyes , my dear reader .
Additional tips to minimize the damage of the computer on your eyes ( These tips are available largely online)

Office lighting work well and should preferably be lighting side and not from the top of the desktop and using the office floor lamps or until you get a good indirect lighting .
 Try to make the computer screen at a distance of between 50 and 80 cm from your eyes to least effect the rays on them .

In the end, dear reader, I hope to have benefited from this post, just , you should attends the these steps Venama the sight does not Moawad , and unfortunately , only loss of grace is worth knowing

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