5 names candidate to head the company after Microsoft Steve Ballmer

Detection new report deliberated the world's largest newspapers yesterday that Microsoft was very close to the announcement of the name of the new CEO, who will replace (Steve Ballmer), has trimmed the list of candidates from 40 names to a short list carrying only five names.
According to a report by Reuters news agency caused such news in vogue Microsoft shares yesterday, marking the highest level in 13 years.
Stock recorded an increase of about 4% to reach $ 3,808, the highest value since July 2000.

The same source adds that the share price eventually settled at $ 3783 during the afternoon.

Microsoft has yet to announce the possibility of the appointment of a new chief executive by the end of the year, but the people and experts familiar with the matter have been reports that the final list now includes five names, and this is what was in the report, including:

Chief Executive Officer of the former Nokia (Stephen Elop
Chief Executive Officer of Ford Motor Company (Alan Mulally )
President of Business (Satya Nadella),
And Chief Executive Officer of the former Skype(Tony Bates ) ،
According to some analysts, it is very likely that the name Mulally will be the new CEO, with the beginning of January next year to take over responsibility for Ballmer at Microsoft.

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