HTC and Nokia sign an agreement for the joint benefit of patent inventions

Signed both Nokia and HTC signed an agreement providing for the mutual benefit of their own patents , especially by the Taiwanese company HTC, the agreement between the two sides came after rounds of ( fighting ) in the judicial horizon to reach a solution satisfactory to both parties .

This agreement is the first of its kind , as we have conveyed to you the news a few days ago comes with an agreement similar between Google and Samsung to share patents their own for 10 years , and the current agreement stipulates benefit HTC patents Nokia return for a material is very low, in contrast, Nokia in turn, can benefit from the patents the Taiwanese company , especially at the level of technology LTE.

The agreement also provides for the possibility of technological cooperation in a joint future projects , either for HTC deemed this agreement is the second after a similar agreement from Apple , where the current agreement will benefit both sides and it will be signed between the two judicial battles .

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