Reports: Windows 9 next April

Reports: Windows 9 next April
Since long weeks we talked about the news that Microsoft is working to develop a new operating system unites all systems running earlier and codenamed Threshold, The Day The news in this regard is renewed , where sources reported that the new operating system will be called Windows 9 may be announced in April next .

News transferred known blogger Paul Thurrott who has great links with internal sources in many companies , including the (Microsoft ), where he pointed out that the official announcement of the new system (Windows 9) will be in next April on the sidelines of a conference Microsoft Build Developer Conference dedicated to developers before launch and marketed officially in April of next year 2015.

April will be full of activities for Microsoft, where he will testify only events Developers Conference Microsoft Build Developer Conference and then the announcement of Windows 9 that ratified sources Paul Thurrott and but also will see the launch of a new update for Windows 8.1 (GDR1) in addition to the updated 8.1 for Windows iPhone 8 .

According to blogger Paul Thurrott , the reason that will push Microsoft to launch Windows 9 is the failure of Windows 8 and the 8.1 update to get the trust of users and distributed between Windows XP and Windows 7 which older versions of the operating system .

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