Microsoft offers $ 100 for a change of platform PS3 to Xbox One

Late last year launched both Microsoft and Sony platforms (Xbox One) and (PlayStation 4) have exchanged congratulations on the occasion, but this does not mean that everything is fine between them , as the competition between them does not stop .

This time the initiative was born from Microsoft, where a lot of users indicated that they Tlqo e-mails urging them to go to the stores in order to replace Microsoft platforms their games PlayStation 3 voucher to buy from the store valued at $ 100 with a view to the acquisition of its new platform Xbox One.

Note that the amount of $ 100 was not a choice arbitrarily from Microsoft because it constitutes a real difference in price between the PlayStation 4 , which is equal to $ 399 and Xbox One , which equals $ 499 .

With this initiative from Microsoft will be forced to respond Sony , waiting for her reaction to this tempting offer , a reminder of the offer is valid in the U.S. only .

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