Kano computer anyone can built!

One of the advantages of sites or platforms rather collective financing, they contribute significantly to spreading the culture of invention and creativity to encourage the owners of these innovations by providing an opportunity for anyone in finance and contributing directly to transform ideas and projects theory to tangible products. Perhaps one of these projects Kano project that has raised my attention and I surf site kickstarter. This project, my pillow is the size of a small computer was able to attract more than a million and a half dollars.

What Kano ??

Is a small computer is simple and fun, which is open source is built using a Raspberry Pi. You can create what you want how devices. You can through code from which to create devices and technology products as your own, you can also marketed.

This device was inspired by "Micah" as a small child at the age of seven years told his cousin, "Alex," he wants to build his own computer. He had only two rules: He wanted to be the product simple and fun like "Lego Games," and he does not want to be taught how to build!.
Composition of the Group

Complete Alex and his friend, "Yonatan" request "Micah" By April 2013, after only two months, produced nearly 200 pieces of this device in their apartment. By September anchovies entire team was the team consisting of 8 people from 6 countries. Their goal was to be a "Kano" all over the world, to encourage people to use groups "Cano" to create and build what they like. But they need funding in order to reach this goal.
The role of the site kickstarter

That is why they went to the site kickstarter in order to obtain financing for their project , in the beginning it was the amount that they need him is 100 thousand dollars , but the funds exceeded that amount and reached the threshold of a million. Was then announced that they will provide "Kano" in phones having access to a million and a half dollars. But their efforts do not end at this point has been announced as well as the "Kano Robot" after they reach two million dollars .

Which prompted me to write this topic is that I want to strongly draw attention to the issue which I consider essential innovation and invention and its relation to funding, especially in the Arab world who Mavti inventors and innovators complain about this point , a finance and adopt their inventions . So I tell all innovative in the Arab world and the Maghreb do not give up and worked hard in the formation of a working group and always look for alternatives to fund your projects , and one of these alternatives are these platforms for collective funding why not try it ! ?
Therefore , God willing, I will try to devote a detailed article about these sites in the future days .

For those who want more information about this project in the association of this site kickstarter : 


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