Scientists are turning to your phone IPhone analysis of cholesterol!

docter and iphone
Scientists at Cornell University (Cornell University) in the United States to innovate device is installed on the smartphone for Apple ( iPhone ) so to turn the latter into a device for analysis of cholesterol in the blood through a custom application for it on the same device

A device that was invented to prove to the iPhone has termed SmartCARD or (Smartphone Cholesterol Application for Rapid Diagnostics), device provider slot where the put ( tape test ) placed where the little device above the camera the iPhone , but for a way to do it is sufficient that the user status a drop of blood on a test strip that changes color according to the situation and then is inserted into the tape in the slot on the device installer turn on the cameras on the iPhone , the latter are picture of the bar with the help of flash and after the piece is the analysis of this image through your application, Booze and loaded on a smartphone In order to give the final results after less than a minute .

Smart CARD device has become practically ready for use, but a team of scientists decided to postpone marketed until the completion of the addition of further improvements.

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