MetaPro intends to compete with Google Glass glasses

It seems that the glasses Google Smart (Google Glass) will not remain long without any competition , where she is preparing the company Meta Pro to compete with Google through the ask for her glasses smart as well , this competition that will benefit the user too much , especially with the news that talk about the readiness of many of the leading companies to enter this field The new .

Although she announced her glasses new smart (Google Glass) this year , but Google did not marketed yet, as this new device is still under development and did not get it , but a class minority of developers or the category of the rich across the world organizers to Club Google , but the new glasses from Meta Pro brought great ambition in order to compete with Google goggles , which will provide many of the technical features , including that it will come with two screen transparent HD 3D, in addition to the camera and ( gyroscope ) and a scanner can scan 3D real-time and re- formed through a rough technique (Hologramme) or 3D imaging .

Meta Pro new glasses , which plans to compete with Google Goggles Google Glass will be available in the market from June 2014 and the price of a relatively large $ 3000 , but its advantages accompanied her in the adoption of this high price , and this may give us a preliminary idea of ​​what it would cost Google glasses !

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