5 of the most ambitious projects Google

Google project
Google Inc., since its inception, as it seeks to many things to make the world better, but "young Kenbua" There is no doubt that he is too fanciful. However, it is believed CEO Larry Page that the interests of other business to Google, enough to pay the company forward in the coming years. Here is a list of some of the ambitious projects that operate the company.


Google's latest project is called "calico" Its main purpose is to find ways to slow the aging process and associated diseases, and cancer is one of them. This project is the birth of a new kind of health Google "google health", which is based on an earlier draft of Google, which was designed to collect and store health records to Google users all over the world.
Project Loon

Do you wish to communicate with your friends and you are on the summit of Mount Everest. Well, Project Project Loon will enable you to do so by installing the balloons all over the world that will allow you to connect to the Internet. Comes of this project in order to secure internet service in remote areas and developing countries where there are no online services only on a small scale .. The project began in New Zealand in June this year.
Home Automation 

Your devices are about to be more intelligent. Google conference for developers this year, called Google developers to create applications for Android that allow you to connect home appliances. Uses include the future of this technology is a lot of home appliances. controll Panwar from your home, for example.
Space Lifts

Not only "Richard Branson" Who cares sending people into space, even Google is interested in this field. The company want to have to travel to space without the use of rockets! The solution may be to use space elevators connecting Earth space. The idea of ​​the space elevator one fictional ideas, but at the present time has become a space elevator projects are being realistic and scientifically search for ways to implement them.
Test-tube Burger

Mall co-founder Sergey Brin first hamburger made ​​of synthetic meat that require only 1% of the land and 4 percent of the water normally used on cattle. Industrial and sandwich containing 140 grams of meat made ​​cost of $ 343.000 to pay the owner of the project Google Sergey Brin for his belief in the idea and the willingness to contribute to finding a solution to the problem of food in the world.

Do not forget as well as Google's smart glasses "google glass" which spoke out many times in the Professional Edition. In what, God willing, I will speak to you in the next topic for the most important projects that failed where Google!

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