
Twitter :is a blogging platform managed by the company Twitter Inc. It allows a user to send free short messages called tweets ("tweets") on the Internet, instant messaging or SMS. These messages are limited to 140 characters.
Twitter was established on 21 March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched in July of the same year. The service quickly became popular, to raise more than 500 million users in February 20122.
The headquarters of Twitter Inc. is the United States in San Francisco, it has additional offices and computer servers in New York.
Twitter was created in San Francisco in the startup Odeo was founded by Noah Glass and Evan Williams. Noah Glass marketed AudBlog , an application to publish audio files on a blog using a phone. Evan Williams is known to be among the other co-founder of Pyra Labs, the origin of the blogging platform Blogger, acquired by Google in 2003. Odeo proposed an accommodation, broadcasting and recording podcasts platform.
The podcast is already very competitive , Jack Dorsey, specialist engineer dispatching , and Noah Glass , who worked with Marc Canter ( founder Macromind ) and founder of the blog service AudBlog podcasting ( which merged with Odeo ) market were responsible for develop a new service the notion starting launched by Jack Dorsey was to allow users to easily share their small moments of life with their friends. Open to the public on 13 July 2006, the first version was called Twittr then , referring to the photo sharing site Flickr and Twitter, its current name. On 21 March 2006, Mr. Dorsey sent his first tweet : " Just setting up my twttr " (" Am trying to set up my twttr ").
October 25, 2006 , the assets of the company were acquired by Odeo Obvious Corp. . Then in April 2007, an independent entity is created with the name Twitter with Jack Dorsey headed until October 2008 when Evan Williams succeeded him. The company has 29 employees in February 2009 and 300 in October 2010. Meanwhile , Twitter has won the 2007 South by Southwest Web Award in the blog category .

On 4 October 2010 , Evan Williams, co-founder , announced he hands over to Dick Costolo , former director of operations.

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