NSA pirate the fiber optic network belonging to Google in order to spy on users

Still repercussions spy scandal, which was the National Security Agency U.S. (NSA) heroine interact, where he published the American Journal (Washington Post) documents leaked by the client, former U.S. (Edward Snowden) confirms spy agency on each of the (Google) and (Yahoo) but perhaps sparking attention is not the information itself but the way devised by the U.S. spy agency for all the information

According to information revealed by Edward Snowden and published newspaper (The Washington Post), the National Security Agency, the U.S. (NSA) invented a new way to spy and gather information from the Centers data both Google and Yahoo, which contain a number astronomical information concerning persons, the spectrum through piracy information pass through the optical fiber from the data center to another but is interesting that the operation was coordinated with the headquarters of the contacts in the British government.
NSA تقرصن شبكة الالياف البصرية التابعة لجوجل من أجل التجسس على المستخدمين
The newspaper (The Washington Post) Illustration of the draft (MUSCULAR) and the modus operandi of technology that used NSA to collect data from each of the (Google) and (Yahoo), and should be recalled that following the data were not encrypted, which allowed the agency to address more 181,280,466 of data in a matter of 30 days only!

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