Make your own web browser like Chrome Google workers allocated to your taste

You may want to impress your friends in your browser sector, may make him a name beautiful and attractive colors but also the icon of its own, but in return you are unable to programmable browser may be browsers competition for Google Chrome or Firefox, but the solution always exists with youssefgeek ,where you can create your own browser released depends on Google Chrome and can be allocated as you like.

إصنع متصفح ويب خاص بك شبيه بجوجل كروم وخصصه على ذوقك
Enough must first site makemybrowser been Click on the button blue Start Now then choose a name for your browser in a box Enter a name for your browser either in the box Upload your photo, you can raise the icon for the browser will appear during the process of install browser by the user as well as the Job browser. For this purpose I recommend using rw-designer site which will transform the picture selected to the icon you can upload to the site makemybrowser. After the completion of the previous steps Click on the Select Bookmarks and follow the subject.
In the second step will be prompted to download the best currently existing in your browser and submit them to the browser you want to create , if they wish to do so click on import blue But if you do not want to click on the Continue / skip to go to ignore the second step and traffic to the third step .

In the third step will be prompted to add Web pages you want to show it when you run the browser , it's a good chance that you have a website that you add in the Add a new bookmark so you can add all the sites that may be Arabs admire tried to diversity among news sites sporting cultural and scientific ... Etc. in order to facilitate the visitor a favorite positions and inevitably more will love the new browser !
Not so in the Home Select home page you can choose any site appears at the beginning of your browser It is better to have the Google search engine and not your site. After finishing again click on the blue box Select Theme.

Now will come to the last step in the subject, select a beautiful appearance of the browser, you can choose between shapes that will appear on the page before clicking on the browser download, Congratulations to you now become available on your browser. You can publication in the forums, social networks and encourage readers to download and use.

By:Youssef GeeK

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