
AdWords is the name of the advertising system Google. It displays ads or banner ads that are targeted based on keywords or tape the user according to his surfing behavior.
Advertisers pay when users click on advertising in a bid and quality system: the more ads will be relevant to the user, the higher the price per click will be low and the announcement highlighted. This is to encourage advertisers to provide relevant information in relation to the user request
When a user uses Google , two lists of results are shown: the center of the page , the results of the search engine itself, classified according to "objective" criteria - called natural results (see Googlebot and PageRank system) , and the top and on the right side , the results of the control AdWords , called sponsored links . Google and takes advantage of its search engine that selling advertising space in the form of click advertisers wishing to appear as a result of "research" carried out by a user.
With AdWords ads are displayed:
On Google search pages ( if you type the keyword "car" , targeted advertisements for cars appear).
Gmail (with AdSense : you say Email a friend looking for a car , targeted advertisements for cars appear , targeting is automatic and no human reads your email).
On the search engine of Google's partners (AOL, Free , Amazon, etc. . ) .
On personal sites (with AdSense : Google runs your site Mediabot , and if your site is about staff car , targeted advertisements for cars appear and Google pays you a percentage of click paid by the advertiser who sells cars , if your critical site fast food , you will also advertisements extolling the virtues of this or that hamburger ) .
App on smartphones (via its subsidiary AdMob )
This advertising is very effective because it can target users based on the research . It remains to be demonstrated both the link between probabilities and the fact type a keyword and click on the advertising, and secondly between clicking on advertising then buy product.
However, a study by the FIFG for the agency AdWords Ad 's up in June 2013 states that 52% of users click on the sponsored links when searching on Google. 36% of users do not distinguish between natural results and Sponsored links.
The main commercial interest Adwords , besides the appearance DTCA is to allow the user Adwords to set a daily budget for his broadcasts Adwords. This allows full control of its advertising budget. When the number of clicks generated a cost equal to the fixed budget , the announcement will no longer be broadcast overnight in the range of + 20% .
It is possible , moreover, to divert AdSense ( click fraud ) , while advertising themselves were paying Paid to click sites , where they offered to people to earn money by clicking on advertisements ( expectation that these people would then buy their products , although their primary reason is to earn money , not to spend) .

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