PlayStation 3 Pulse headphones will not be compatible with the PS4

Many people are a fan of games Sony Shops maybe they were counting on to do a money economy by maintaining speakerphones PS3 while Aguetnaúhm for the new gaming station PS4, which will be officially launched next month in the United States of America, but unfortunately they will catch a real disappointment.
سماعات PlayStation 3 Pulse لن تكون متوافقة مع PS4
Where Sony announced officially that the headphones PlayStation 3 Pulse either USB or Blothot will not be compatible with the gaming platform new PS4 which plans to launch in the month of November, beginning in the United States , and therefore the users of this type of speakers will need to wait for the new update of the system , which do not know now when it will probably not before the beginning of the year but it will be only a USB speakers of conformity with the new device .
The following step is not from Sony alone has preceded microsoft which assured Kmalk that the current speakers will not be compatible with the platform games is Xbox One.
In the end, we must emphasize that the new PS4 Sisoq with a headset with built - in microphone

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