Facebook is one of the oldest properties will be deleted user privacy

فايسبوك ستحدف أحد أقدم خصائص خصوصية المستعمل
Facebook has updated the system of privacy settings, but the strange thing is that the update has not come up with something new Fbaeks property has been deleted disable access to your profile via search ,
And frankly that I use for a long time are characteristic of older privacy settings they prevent showing the profile when someone searches for you through setting your profile name search box on Facebook , the thing which relatively gives you some privacy.

And had Facebook today delete the property for a variety of reasons the most important of it a few use as well as they do not have a great benefit and add to the misconception of her party members where the majority think they provide complete privacy of reach you by a group of people and this is the wrong idea because it is not only the work of Block of the people to be non- arrival to you , as it will reach you through friends of your friends vision and a host of other things ,
In addition to a set of false impressions about this property .....

If you are of this feature users will receive an alert from Facebook telling you it do so in the coming weeks because the alerts will be circulated to all users gradually emerged at the other .

My own opinion on the Facebook such a move is evidence that it increases devoted to the policy of openness Members on each other and create an open world parties are not absolute privacy there ...

You can join us your opinion on this subject through the comments to see what the extent of interaction with social network members such updates .

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