AdSense program policies

All publishers must adhere to the following policies , so please read them carefully. In the case of non - compliance with these policies without permission from Google, we reserve the right to disable ads on your website and / or disable your AdSense account at any time. If your account has been disabled , you will not be eligible to participate again in the AdSense program .

Please check constantly updates ; was conducting the policy changes at any time. According to the terms and conditions of our online, you are responsible for access to the published policies here and abide by them. Do not allow any exceptions to our policies , except under authorization from Google.

Clicks and impressions invalid

Publishers may not click on their ads or use any means to inflate impressions and / or clicks on some artificially , including manual methods .
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Encourage clicks

Publishers may not ask others by clicking on their ads or use deceptive ways to implement to get clicks. This includes, for example, but not limited to , providing reward users for viewing ads or performing searches , or promise of an increase in third - party money on these behaviors , or putting pictures next to individual ads .
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Content guidelines

Publishers may not place AdSense code on pages with content that violates any of the content guidelines . Examples of this, any adult content or the content of calls to violence or supported racial intolerance .
View the entire content policies .
Materials protected by copyright

Is not permissible for AdSense publishers display Google ads on Web pages that contain content protected under the law of copyright , unless they have the necessary legal rights to display that content. Examples include Web sites that display material protected by copyright , or Web sites that host files protected by copyright , or Web sites that provide links to operate on direct visits to Web sites containing material protected by copyright . Please see the policy of the new millennium Act copyright digital material (DMCA) for more information.
Webmaster Guidelines

AdSense publishers must commit to quality guidelines for webmasters .
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Traffic Sources

May not display Google ads on pages receive visits from certain sources . For example: publishers may not participate in the programs you paid , or send e-mail messages undesirable , or display ads as a result of action taken in any software application. The publishers must ensure that also agree their pages with a landing page quality guidelines from Google.
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Declaration behavior

Allows publishers to make adjustments on the AdSense ad code as long as those amendments do not lead to exaggerate the ad performance or cause harm to advertisers.


We encourage publishers to experience a variety of placements and forms. However, AdSense code may be placed in inappropriate places , such as pop - ups or e - mail messages or programs. Publishers must also compliance with all policies of the products used.
View full ad placement policies .
Site behavior

Users should find great ease to browse sites that display Google ads . May not cause locations in the changing preferences of the user or redirect users to Web sites, unwanted or start downloads or contain malicious software or pop-ups or pop-unders impede browsing the site .
Cookies ads on Google

AdSense publishers must provide a privacy policy and abide by, that describes this policy eligibility in the development of third - party cookies and read them in the browsers of users , or use web beacons to collect information as a result to display ads on your website .
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Law protecting children 's privacy on the Internet (COPPA)

If you will be to implement any of the Google services advertising on the Web site or section of the site is subject to the law protecting children's privacy on the Internet (COPPA), ( a) you must tell Google these sites or sections of sites subject to the law to protect the privacy of children using the tool here : http :/ / / webmasters / tools / coppa, or ad hoc manner for applications described here :, and (b) you should not use targeted ad's interests ( including the remarketing ) to target : (1) Activity former or current users have without the 13 -year-old or (2 ) activity past or present on the sites targeted for users without 13 years.

Content gambling

AdSense imposes restrictions on placing ads on gambling sites and gambling - related content . Has been developed different policies for gambling content based on the country in which resides the publisher. Publishers are not allowed to reside outside a limited group of countries put ads on any content to gamble or on any pages that include links to gambling content . This includes any content that allows users to make bets or participate in games in exchange for the opportunity to earn money or other prizes .
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Policies related products

AdSense for content : publishers can put up to three ad units for AdSense for content on each page. Can not be put only one ad unit size 300x600 among these three units . Publishers can put more than a declaration of each and every one of the ad sizes on every page except for size 300 × 600. In addition to the development of three ad units for AdSense for content, publishers can also put up to three link units and two search boxes on each page. This policy applies to all of the sites that display on the desktop and improved sites that display on the high - end mobile devices .

AdSense for search : boxes can be placed Google AdSense for search max on each page. It is also the unit is placed links to one or one image ad only on pages that contain AdSense for search results . Must originate search requests by users who enter the data directly into the search box , and can not be modified . This includes pre - fill the search box or links terms directly with fixed blades lead to the search results pages. May not integrate AdSense for search code in any software application as one of the toolbars .

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